
Someone is always watching...

April 30, 2010
Only so long you can keep it locked inside
Until someone cuts the fuse too short and
You just want to cry...
Things are said out of anger
--things we regret
Just to get them off our chest.
You may feel isolated, as if no one is there
Can't help but think that no one cares...
Some one is always watching
Be it near or far..
That person holds everything you say and do
Deep inside thier heart.
Unaware that you are the one
The one they look to for guidance
Holding a future in the palm of your hand
Watch what you do, because that small soul
May have no clue that it's wrong--
Doing what you do just to try and belong.
Life is never easy, that's a fact, but
If we give up...we never know what it could be!
Just when you think of giving up, kknow there IS a reason
to hold on, it may be in the eyes of a small child
DEPENDING on you to come through...

You or me or the people we see

April 30, 2010
Life is never forgotten when it is lost,
Sometimes we regret the things we say.
The things that cost more than one can comprehend,
Until it's really the real end.
That is when we learn to appriciate life.
Even the hard time that come our way,
So that we can appriciate the good times in an 
Exraordinary way.
Never forget to live each day like it's the last,
Because in the future there may not be a past
For you or me or the people we see.
Just remember there is a reason for existance
Even a cold heart h...
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April 30, 2010
The words that I speak are not out of hate.
I can only hope that I am not too late.
God gave you life, the ability to speak,
Why do you act as if you are so weak?
Some are not so fortunate, you know
They cannot communicate 
Then there's you disregaurding your
ability to articulate.
Giving anything to be in your shoes
What you take advantage of some would die to use.
Neglect, abuse, harsh words, misuse.
The intention is not to steal your dream,
only open your eyes to things unseen.

By: me! April 2005--...
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Thoughts on life

April 30, 2010
Have you ever wondered what we could be capable of if every person looked at life with a postive attitude? There are two ways to look at every situation: find the good or dwell on the bad. I try to live my life in accordance to the first. While it is not always easy, finding the good in every situation, it is possible. After all, if you are faced with a life-altering situaiton, at least you are still breathing at the time, Right? I will admit, though, being so optimistic can have it's downfal...
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About Me

Hello, and good day! I am a stay-at-home mom of beautiful 14 month old twins. One boy and one girl. I consider myself a thinker, and I just felt like shareing my thoughts with anyone who would like to read them. Thank you for visiting!


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